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[湖北] Unit 4词语辨析
作者:赵忠西 文章来源:(总第31期)
点击数: 更新时间:2008-10-9 14:27:10
I. opportunity; chance


1. I am glad to have this ________ of speaking to you alone.

2. In my opinion, it's the ________ of a lifetime.

3. I'd like to take this ________ to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.

4. We may lose a lot of support, but that's a ________  we'll have to take.

5. I had no ________ to discuss the matter with her.

【答案】1. opportunity  2. chance   3. opportunity   4. chance   5. opportunity

【点拨】 opportunity表示“机会”,是较为正式的用语,指一种有利的状态或合适的时机,尤指某种符合人们的意向、目的或希望等的事情的时机。chance表示“机会”时,通常用于口语,常意味着因为运气或偶然出现的机遇。

II. take place; happen


1. The opening of the play ________ at tomorrow night.

2. The car accident ________ last week.

3. Great changes ________ in our hometown during the past ten years.

4. If anything _______ to the patient, let me know at once.

5. The talk is planned ________ in the Great Hall of the People on December 18th.

【答案】 1. will take place  2. happened   3. have taken place  4. happens  5. to take place

【点拨】 take place表示“发生”、“举行”, 多指举行活动,既可以指发生好事也可以指发生不好的事,通常指事先安排或有准备的事情或活动发生。happen表示“发生”时, 通常指具体事件的发生,特别指发生偶然的或突发性的事情。
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