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[冀教] Module 5 Unit 2 课文重难点解析
作者:窦素华 文章来源:冀教高二版 2006-2007学年度上学期 第二期
点击数: 更新时间:2006-9-25 16:14:10

    1. Gentle snowflakes danced in the night air, making a beautiful picture. 轻飘飘的雪花在夜空中飞舞,像一幅美丽的图画。

    She pictured the hamster writing her maths exam, using its little claws to add and subtract...她想象着仓鼠正在做她的数学试题,用它的小爪子在做加减法……

    picture:n. 图画,美丽的景象。如:

    Have a clear picture of the problem.  要对问题了如指掌。

    The tree and brook make a lively picture. 树和小溪构成美丽的图画。 

    v. 1. 绘,画(make a picture of,paint); 2. 想象或设想某事物(imagine)。如:

    He pictured to himself the family sitting out on the lawn. 他想象家里人坐在草地上。

    2. I have three essays due. 我有三篇论文要写。

    due:adj. 应付的; 到期的; 应归的。如:

    This bill is due. 这笔帐到期了。

    My salary is due to tomorrow. 我明天就可以领工资了。

    My thanks are due to you. 我应向你致谢。

    另外, due to = caused by 由于。如:

    The accident is due to careless driving. 这车祸起因于驾驶疏忽。

    3. First I decided to try out for the track team. 首先我决定要参加田径队的选拔。

    try out for: (美)参加……的选拔或挑选。如:

    He tried out for the basketball team. 他参加了篮球队的选拔。

    另外,报名参加……还可以用: enter (one’s name / oneself)for... 。如:

    He entered (himself) for the examination. 他报名参加了考试。

    另外, try for: make an attempt to get or win (esp. a position) 试图得到;争取(尤指职位)。如:

    try for a scholarship (a position as a manager) 争取奖学金(经理职位)

    try out: use it, experiment with it,in order to test it 试验某事物。如:

    try out a machine (the ideas, cycling, pingpong, basketball, swimming... )试验一台机器(某构思, 骑车, 打乒乓球, 篮球, 游泳等)

    4. Swimming also makes you grow taller, as is generally observed, although there is not enough scientific evidence for it. 正如大家发现的那样,游泳也可以使人长高,尽管没有足够的科学证据来证明它。

    as is generally observed 此处为as 引导非限定性定语从句, as在从句中作主语, 指代前面的句子。如:

    He was a foreigner, as is known to all. 他是个外国人, 这一点大家都知道。

    We finished the task successfully, as was expected. 和事先预料的一样,我们成功地完成了任务。
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