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【冀教】Module 8 Unit Five 课文重难点解析
作者:王亚南 文章来源:《英语辅导报》
点击数: 更新时间:2007-11-16 9:55:16
1. His poems are of free style, creating vivid images in the minds of his readers. 在读者看来,他的诗自由、洒脱、想像丰富、生动。

此处creating vivid images in the minds of his readers是现在分词短语作结果状语。另外现在分词短语还可以作时间状语、原因状语、方式状语或伴随状语等。例如:

Studying at school, he learned many useful and practical skills. 在学校上学期间,他学到了许多有用的和实用的技能。(时间状语)

Being late, he had to take a taxi. 因为晚了,他不得不叫了一辆出租车。(原因状语)

2. It is not certain where he went after that, but it is believed that he lived out his days in poverty, and finally died a broken and depressed man. 之后他去了哪里,人们众说不一,不过有一点是肯定的:他的生活贫困潦倒,最后在穷困、压抑中走完了人生的历程。

live out 此处表示“度过,活过(某一段时间)”。例如:

The patient lived out another fortnight. 病人又活了两个星期。


(1) live by doing sth. 表示“靠做某事为生”。例如:

We live by working. 我们靠工作为生。

(2) live through sth. 表示“经历某事物而幸存”。例如:

Luckily, she lived through that serious disease. 幸运地是,她战胜了那场严重疾病。

3. In 1912, at the age of 38, he sold the farm and used the money to take his family to England, where he could devote himself entirely to writing. 1912年他38岁时,卖掉了农场,携全家到了英国,在那儿他全身心地投入到了写作中。


devote oneself / sth. to sb. / sth. 表示“为某人(某事物)付出(时间、精力等);向某人(某事物)奉献(时间、精力等);献身于某事物;埋头于”。例如:

We should devote ourselves to our sociaty. 我们应该献身于我们的社会。

4. This poem has touched me in a way that I can't really explain, but I know that it has. 这首诗在某种程度上给了我不可名状的触动。

in a / one way, in some ways表示“在某种程度上”。例如:

In a way, failure is also success. 在某种程度上,失败也是成功。


(1) all the way表示“一路上”。例如:

I ran all the way to the office. 我一路上跑着去了办公室。

(2) no way表示“决不”。例如:

No way will I go on working for that man. 我不再给那个人工作了。

5. In any case, this poem clearly demonstrates Frost's belief that it is the road that one chooses that makes him the man that he is. 总之,这首诗清楚地展示了弗洛斯特的信仰,即正是一个人选择的道路使他成为一个他这样的人。

in any case 表示“无论如何,总之”。例如:

In any case, we must remember that health comes first. 无论如何,我们必须记住健康第一。另外常用的搭配为:

(1) (just) in case 表示“因为可能发生某事,以防万一,万一”。例如:

It may rain—you'd better take an umbrella (just) in case (it does). 可能下雨——你最好带把伞,以防万一(下雨)。

(2) in that case表示“既然那样,假若是那样的话”。例如:

In that case, anyone will have a try. 假若是那样的话,任何人都将试一下。


1. The teacher came into the classroom, ________ some students talking. 

A. find    B. found         C. finding        D. had found   

2. He lived ________ the second world war. 

A. out     B. through       C. with           D. for 

3. Everyone of us should ________ his task. 

A. devote one's efforts to  B. devote himself to 

C. bury ourselves to        D. put his heart on

4. —You must answer my question!


A. All the way              B. By the way      

C. In a way                 D. No way

5. Don't you like your job? ________, why don't you leave? 

A. In no case               B. In that case       

C. In any case              D. In case of 


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