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How to Be a Great Friend?
作者:贾庆文 供… 文章来源:《英语辅导报》
点击数: 更新时间:2009-9-9 13:47:59

How to Be a Great Friend?


1. Be honest. This is one of the most important steps, because a dishonest person has no chance of having friends. Do what you say you are going to do, and most importantly, don't lie! Lying leads to more lies and you will eventually be found out.

2. Be loyal. If your friend tells you something in confidence, don't blab about it to everyone else. Don't talk about your friend behind his / her back. Nobody likes a backstabber.

3. Pitch in for friends during times of crisis. If your friend has to go to hospital, you could help pack their bags, take notes for them in school, give them their homework assignments and send cards. If there is a death in his / her family, you might want to attend the funeral or cook dinner for the family.

4. Give advice, but be objective. Don't judge your friend, but advise them to stay out of situations where they may harm themselves or others.

5. Give your friend space. Understand if he or she wants to be alone or hang out with other people, and allow it to happen. You probably aren't their only friend, so don't be clingy.

6. Make sure your friends doesn't have to spend their birthday alone. You can hold a party for them (even a surprise party if you can keep a secret) or take them out to dinner and pay for their meals.

7. Have fun. Decorate your friend's locker on his or her birthday, have a spa party, host a sleepover, whatever.

8. Listen to them... you don't have to agree with them... just listen.



1. 诚实。这是其中一个最重要的步骤,因为一位不诚实的人没有机会拥有朋友。自己说过的事情一定要做到,更重要的是,千万别撒谎!撒谎一次会导致更多谎言的产生,而最终你的谎言将被识破。

2. 忠诚。如果你的朋友秘密地告诉你某件事情,不要将它泄露给任何人。不要在背后议论你的朋友。没人喜欢背后中伤者。

3. 在危机时刻努力帮助朋友。如果你的朋友不得不去医院,你可以帮助他们收拾行李,在学校给他们记笔记,记下他们的家庭作业并送上贺卡。如果他 / 她家有人去世,你要去参加葬礼或为他们做饭。

4. 提建议,但要客观。不要为你的朋友做决定,但要建议他们要离开或许会伤害自己或他人的环境。

5. 给朋友留出空间。当他 / 她想一个人单独呆一会或与他人一起外出的时候,要理解,并允许它的发生。你或许并不是他们唯一的朋友,因此不要太紧贴朋友。

6. 确保你的朋友不单独过自己的生日。你可以为他们举办晚会(如果你能保密的话,你甚至可以举办一个让朋友吃惊的晚会)或带他们外出就餐,并支付帐单。

7. 开心去玩。在朋友生日时要装饰他 / 她的小柜,举行温泉晚会,也可以让朋友在你这里寄宿。

8. 倾听他们的心声……你不需要同意他们的意见……只是聆听即可。

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