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Unit 3 Computers

I. 选择填空:(每小题1分,共20分)
1. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is where I ______.
A. agree with   B. agree to   C. disagree on    D. disagree
2. I don’t mind picking up your things from the store. ______, the walk will do me good.
 A. Sooner or later  B. Still    C. In time    D. Besides
3. When first ______ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.
 A. introducing    B. introduced    C. introduce    D. being introduced
4. Helen had to shout ______ above the sound of the music.
 A. making herself hear      B. to make herself hear
 C. making herself heard      D. to make herself heard
5. It is reported that the United States uses ______ energy as the whole of Europe.
 A. as twice   B. twice much  C. twice much as   D. twice as much
6. I don’t ______ rock “n” roll. It’s too noisy for my taste.
 A. go after   B. go by    C. go into     D. go in for
7. Don’t leave the water running while ______ your teeth.
 A. you brushing  B. brushing   C. you brushed    D. brushed
8. He speaks English well indeed, but of course not ______ a native speaker.
 A. as fluent (流利的) as      B. more fluent than 
 C. so fluent as        D. much fluent than
9. —Go for a picnic this weekend, OK?
 A. I couldn’t agree more. I love getting close to nature.
 B. I’m afraid not. I love to get close to the nature.
 C. I believe not. I love getting close to nature.
 D. I don’t think so. I love to get close to the nature.
10. I’d like to buy a house — modern, comfortable, and ______ in a quiet neighborhood.
 A. in all    B. above all   C. after all    D. at all
11. ______ the teacher, I have passed the Entrance Examination this year.
 A. Under the help of  B. For the helps of  C. With the help of  D. In the helps of
12. How will you ______ the letter?
 A. do about       B. do with        C. deal with     D. deal about
13. Till now, three new gymnasiums ______ in Beijing.
 A. would be completed           B. was being completed
 C. have been completed            D. had been completed
14. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday ______ yet.
 A. are not decided        B. haven’t been decided
 C. is not being decided        D. hasn’t been decided
15. Mr. Smith and his wife ______ the housework and live happily.
 A. spare          B. support       C. care         D. share
16. He had ______ little education that he can’t teach ______ a little child.
 A. so; such       B. such; such      C. so; so      D. such; so
17. Christmas is ______ coming; we are in October already.
 A. on the way      B. in the way    C. out of the way   D. by the way
18. —What happened to you last night? Why didn’t you come to my party in time?
—Sorry, the traffic was too heavy, and ______, my car broke down on the way.
 A. what’s more    B. what’s the worse  C. what’s worse   D. worst of all
19. He ______ me to come, but hasn’t come yet.
 A. wanted       B. allowed    C. promised    D. let
20. He ______ praises for his honesty.
 A. won        B. beat          C. defeated       D. struck

II. 词汇:(每小题1分,共20分)
A. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词:
1. The industrial r______ started in England in the18th century.
2. All human beings are much more i______ than animals.
3. P______, I want you to finish the work ahead of time.
4. The children a______ from their seats.
5. The man must be t______ blind, for he can’t see anything in the book.
B. 根据句意及汉语提示写出相应的单词:
1. It is ______ (计算) that more than 3 million people from all over the world have visited the exhibition.
2. I’d like to have this letter ______ (打字) this afternoon.
3. You have to ______ (探求) better ways to learn English.
4. A lot of articles about the scientific research have been ______ (下载). You can use them.
5. What he explained for his failure is far from the ______ (现实).
C. 选用方框内的词并用正确形式填空:
in a way, with the help of, allow, in common, make up, watch over, go by, universal, after all, in spite of
1. You must ______ the time you wasted this afternoon by working late tonight.
2. Could you ______ my clothes while I have a swim?
3. The new reforms have not met with ______ approval within the government.
4. As time ______, my memory seems to get worse.
5. Don’t lose heart. ______, you have tried your best.
6. I haven’t a thing ______ with my father.
7. His parents doesn’t ______ him to go out alone at night.
8. ______ his teachers and parents, he has made rapid progress.
9. ______ all the efforts, he failed.
10. ______ I can see what you mean, even though I don’t share your point of view.

必修二 Unit 3 Computers参考答案

I. 1—5 DDBDD 6—10 DBCAB 11—15 CCCDD 16—20 AACCA
II. A. 1. revolution 2. intelligent 3. Personally 4. arose 5. totally
B. 1. calculated 2. typed 3. explore 4. downloaded 5. reality
C. 1. make up 2. watch over 3. universal 4. goes by 5. After all 6. in common 7. allow 8. With the help of 9. In spite of 10. In a way

Unit 3 A healthy life

I. 根据句意、所给单词首字母或汉语意思,拼写单词。(每小题1分,共10分)
1. In our city, the shops were not allowed to sell ________(香烟) to students.
2. The law forbids the sale of ________(含有酒精的饮料) to people under 18.
3. How should a________ spend sexual period?
4. The children are a________ to computer games.
5. Surfing is a c________ and exciting sport.
6. B________ I agree with your proposal, but there are a few small points I’d like to discuss.
7. He m________ to avoid the accident.
8. A business can’t do well without good m________.
9. I find a teaching job very s________.
10. I behaved badly yesterday and I am a________ of myself now.

II. 根据所给汉语完成句子。(每空一词)(每小题2分,共20分)
11. We were pleased that they ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (设法得到我们想要的).
12. He ________ ________ ________ (试图通过) the exam but he had no luck.
13. It’s ________ ________ (感到惊奇) at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon.
14. You can ________ ________ ________ ________ (在身体上对……有瘾)nicotine, which is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes.
15. I didn’t know it could ________ ________ ________ ________ (严重侵害) your heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant.
16. When I was taken off the school football team because I was too slow, I knew it was time to ________ ________ (戒烟).
17. I do hope so because I want you to live ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (像我这样活的健康长寿).
18. If you start to feel nervous or ________ (有压力), don’t ________ ________ (伸手拿) a cigarette.
19. So far, almost everyone who has developed AIDS has died. HIV is spread through blood and fluids that the body makes during sex. For a person to ________ ________(被感染), blood or sexual fluids that carry the virus have to get inside the body through broken skin, or by injection.
20. He ________ ________ ________ (做出了裁决) the guilty man.

III. 翻译句子。(每小题2分,共20分)
21. 我们认为每天打扫教室是我们的义务。
22. 如果他们迟到了,没有关系。
23. 是我该受责备。
24. 数千人花了很多年才建造成这座长城。
25. 他碰巧在马路上碰到他的老师了。
26. 我正是照他吩咐的那样做的。
27. 他父亲已经去世五年了。
28. 这是我第一次来这里。
29. 据报道又有一颗地球卫星被投入轨道。
30. 直到她摘下她的墨镜,我才意识到她是一名著名的电影演员。

IV. 单项填空。(每小题1分,共15分)
31. I like ________ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.
A. this          B. that         C. it          D. one
32. He was hoping to go abroad but his parents ________ that they won’t support him unless he can borrow money from the bank. 
A. were deciding      B. have decided     C. decided        D. will decide
33. You ought to be ashamed ________ having lied to the teacher.
A. with               B. about               C. of             D. at
34. The girl was ashamed ________ us she had failed to meet the guest.
A. telling           B. to tell            C. told          D. to have told
35. —What happened to the heroes in the book in the end?
    —All of them ________ escape from the enemy’s prison and began their new life.
A. tried to          B. managed to           C. wanted to       D. did their best
36. —Though I met with one difficulty after another, I ________ to get through with them.
A. hoped            B. tried                 C. wanted      D. managed
37. In spite of his own safety, the boy, ________, jumped into the river to save the girl in the water.
A. risked to be drowned B. risked drowning     C. risking to be drowned  D. risking drowning
38. The child ________ when he walked past the old building.
A. took a risk     B. takes risks     C. at his risk       D. ran the risk of
39. The plane is ________ to arrive at 8 p.m., but the foggy weather makes it hard to say.
A. sure        B. possible       C. owing        D. due
40.  It is these poisonous products ________ cause flu symptoms, such as a headache and aching muscles.
A. who     B. how      C. that      D. what
41. People who are addicted ________ drugs cannot go without them for a few hours.
A. in       B. for     C. of        D. to
42. What some teenagers don’t realize is how difficult life can be after they get ________ to drugs.
A. absorbed       B. interested        C. addicted     D. affected
43. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where ________ yet. 
A. hasn’t been decided B. haven’t decided     C. isn’t being decided    D. aren’t decided
44. It’s true that the old method is slow. We won’t use the new one ________, because we don’t feel it is safe.
A. somehow   B. though    C. therefore    D. otherwise
45. —You don’t seem to be quite yourself today. What’s wrong?
     —Oh, I’m suffering from a cold. Nothing serious, ________.
A. yet           B. indeed         C. though          D. anyway

选修六 Unit  A healthy life 参考答案
I. 1. cigarettes 2. alcohol 3. adolescent 4. addicted 5. challenging 6. Basically 7. managed 8. management 9. stressful 10. ashamed
II. 11. managed to get what we wanted 12. tried to pass 13. amazing that 14. become physically addicted to 15. do terrible damage to 16. quit smoking 17. as long and healthy a life I have 18. stressed; reach for 19. become infected  20. passed judgment on 
III. 21. We think it our duty to clean our classroom every day.
22. It doesn’t matter if they are late.
23. It is I who am to blame.
24. It took thousands of people many years to build the Great Wall.
25. It happened (so happened) that he met his teacher in the street.
26. It is just as he ordered that I acted.
27. It is ( has been ) 5 years since his father died.
28. It is the first time I have been here.
29. It is reported that another earth satellite has been put into orbit.
30. It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star.
IV. 31—35 CBCBB  36—40 DDADC 41—45 DCABC
The Athens Olympic torch relay
To mark the return of the Olympic Games to Athens in 2004, the Olympic Flame (火焰) would go on a journey to places where the torch has been before.
After being lit by the rays of the sun at Olympia, the torch traveled through every city on the planet that hosted the summer event. And for the first time in Olympic history, it visited each area represented (代表) by the Olympic rings—Oceania, Asia, Africa, America and Europe.
The torch traveled for 35 days through 27 countries. The theme of the torch relay, a tradition which began at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, is “Pass the flame, Unite the World.” It is hoped that by passing the flame from country to country and person to person, the Olympic message of tradition, sport and unity will spread throughout the world.
“The relay is also a symbol (象征) for world peace,” said Greece’s Foreign Minister George Papandreou. He asked nations around the world to end all wars during the Games, as was the custom in ancient times. “If we can have peace for 16 days, maybe we can have it forever someday,” he said.
1. The purpose of the torch relay is to ______.
A. end wars and bring peace to the whole world
B. be in memory of the Olympic history
C. give people a chance to run a long way
D. thank the host countries for their service
2. The Olympic Games usually last ______ days.
A. 14      B. 16      C. 25        D. 30
3. The Olympic rings do NOT represent ______.
A. Oceania     B. Africa     C. Antarctica      D. Europe
(适用于人教新课标版必修二 Unit 2)
参考答案:1—3 ABC

四川 王丽霞 供稿

The furthest distance in the world
By Rabindranath Tagore
The furthest distance in the world
Is not between life and death
But when I stand in front of you
Yet you don’t know that I love you

The furthest distance in the world
Is not when I stand in front of you
Yet you can’t see my love
But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both
Yet cannot be together

The furthest distance in the world
Is not being apart while being in love
But when plainly cannot resist the yearning
Yet pretending you have never been in my heart

The furthest distance in the world
Is not when plainly cannot resist the yearning
Yet pretending you have never been in my heart
But using one’s indifferent heart
To dig an uncrossable river
For the one who loves you
Questions: Translate the poem into Chinese.
(适用于人教新课标版选修六 Unit 2)
泰戈尔 著



Don’t Smoke!

Nowadays, almost everyone has realized (1) _________ smoking is harmful (2) _________ people’s health. Sometimes it (3) __________ causes fire. In China, about 38% of the people smoke. Every year, they smoke millions of packets of cigarettes. It’s bad news (4) _________ the health of nation. It’s known that (5) _________ (smoke) can cause different kinds of disease. Every year, many people die (6) __________ these illnesses, such as lung and throat cancers. It also costs the government much money (7) __________ look after these sick people. Smoking is also harmful to those (8) ____________don’t smoke, (9) ________ (especial) to children and women.  In a word, smoking is no good. If you want to smoke, just think of those who suffer from diseases (10) __________ the fires that destroy people’s lives and properties!
(适用于人教新课标版选修六 Unit 3)
参考答案:1. that 2. to 3. even 4. for 5. smoking 6. from 7. to 8. who 9. especially 10. and


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